2008 Fruit Advisories
September 23
Codling Moth, Pearleaf and Appleleaf Blister Mites
codling moth, pearleaf and appleleaf blister mites, pear psylla, fire blight, coryneum blight, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
September 10
Apple Maladies
codling moth, apple maladies, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
August 28
Bacterial Canker
codling moth, white apple leafhopper, bacterial canker, spider mites, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
August 20
Phytophthora Crown and Collar Rot
codling moth, San Jose scale, greater peachtree borer, phytophthora crown and collar rot, walnut husk fly, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
August 6
Stink Bug and Cat-facing Insects
codling moth, fire blight, stink bug and cat-facing insects, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
July 30
White Apple Leafhopper
white apple leafhopper, coryneum blight, greater peachtree borer, western cherry fruit fly, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
July 23
Anthracnose Canker, Apricots, Walnut Husk Fly
codling moth, pear psylla, anthracnose canker, apricots, western cherry fruit fly, walnut husk fly, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
July 16
Codling Moth, Damage to Nectarines
codling moth, western flower thrips, green peach aphid, lygus bug, frost damage, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
July 9
Codling Moth, Lygus Bug, California Prionus
codling moth, spider mites, lygus bug (tarnished plant bug), california prionus, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
July 2
Flatheaded Appletree Borer, Woolly Apple Aphid
codling moth, flatheaded appletree borer, woolly apple aphid, peach twig borer, cytospora canker, powdery mildew, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
June 25
Weevil, Leafroller, Iron Deficiency
codling moth, apple and pearleaf blister mites, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, weevil, spider mites, obliquebanded leafroller, iron deficiency, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
June 18
Greater Peachtree Borer, Western Cherry Fruit Fly
codling moth, San Jose scale, fire blight, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, western cherry fruit fly, fruitworm, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
June 12
Fruitworm, Aphids, Apple Scab
codling moth, fruitworm, woolly apple aphid, apple scab, peach twig borer, green peach and other leaf-curling aphids, greater peachtree borer, black cherry aphid, walnut husk fly, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
June 4
Leafhopper, Coryneum Blight
codling moth, white apple leafhopper, fire blight, peach twig borer, coryneum blight, western cherry fruit fly, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
May 28
Spider Mites, Western Cherry Fruit Fly
codling moth, apple aphid, spider mites, fire blight, apple powdery mildew, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly, degree days, spray timing, spray recommendations
May 23
Codling Moth, Fire Blight, Peach Twig Borer
codling moth, fire blight, peach twig borer, degree days, spray recommendations
May 14
Codling Moth, Fire Blight
codling moth, pear psylla, fire blight, cat-facing insects, coryneum blight, degree days, spray materials
May 7
Alternate Bearing Apples
bud stages, codling moth, rosy apple aphid, campylomma, fire blight, powdery mildew, western flower thrips, green peach aphid, alternate bearing apples, degree days, spray recommendations
April 30
Codling Moth
codling moth, degree days, spray recommendations
April 23
Frost Damage
campylomma bug, green peach aphid, codling moth, frost damage, spray recommendations
April 16
Mating Disruption
green fruitworm, apple aphids, peach twig borer, bud stages, degree days, using mating disruption, spray schedules
April 9
Effect of Water pH on Pesticides
bud stages, San Jose scale, pest monitoring, degree days, effect of pH on pesticides, spray recommendations
April 2
Using Apogee for Fire Blight
dormant sprays, bud phenology, coryneum blight, using Apogee to suppress fire blight shoot infections, spray materials
March 26
Dormant Sprays, Bud Stages
bud stages, dormant sprays, degree days, using pheromone traps, spray materials
March 19
Pesticide Updates, Monitoring Toolkit
approaching time for dormant oil spray, fire blight information, monitoring toolkit, pesticide update