2009 Fruit Advisories
September 11
Cankers on Stone Fruits
codling moth, peach twig borer, spider mites, cankers on stone fruits, degree days, spray materials
August 5
Peach Twig Borer, Spider Mite
codling moth, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly, coryneum blight, stink bug/lygus bug/earwigs, spider mites, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
July 30
Information on Natural Enemies
lady beetles, lacewings, syrphid fly, minute pirate bug, pray mantid, predatory thrips, predatory mites, parasitic wasps
July 23
Codling Moth, Thrips on Nectarine, Iron Deficiency
codling moth, thrips on nectarine, iron deficiency, “New Pest Fount on California Cherries”, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
July 15
Lygus Bugs, Diseases of Stone Fruits
woolly apple aphid, spider mites, earwigs, lygus bugs, stone fruit diseases, walnut husk fly, prionus root borer, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
July 8
Cytospora Canker, Prionus Root Beetle
codling moth, woolly apple aphid, cytospora canker, prionus root beetle, western cherry fruit fly, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
June 24
Codling Moth, Hail Damage
codling moth, San Jose scale, hail damage, coryneum blight, plant bugs, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
June 17
Pear Psylla, Powdery Mildew, Coryneum Blight, Earwigs
codling moth, pear psylla, peach powdery mildew, coryneum blight on peach/nectarine/apricot, earwigs, cherry powdery mildew, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
June 10
Rainfastness of Pesticides
codling moth, white apple leafhopper, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, western cherry fruit fly, “Pesticides and Rain”, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
June 3
Fire Blight, New Cherry Pest Found in California
fire blight, San Jose scale, peach twig borer, shothole, apple powdery mildew on peach, western cherry fruit fly, “New Cherry Pest Found in California,” “Hail Damage,” degree days, spray timing, spray materials
May 28
Codling Moth, Woolly Apple Aphid
codling moth, codling moth virus, woolly apple aphid, peach twig borer, cherry fruit fly, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
May 20
Thinning the Home Orchard, EPA Worker Protection Standards
codling moth biofixes, spider mites, campylomma damage, white apple leafhopper, fruitworm and cankerworm, fire blight, “thinning the home orchard,” “EPA enforces worker protection standards,” degree days, spray timing, spray materials
May 13
Brown Mite, Leafrollers, Peach Leaf Curl
codling moth biofixes and spray dates, brown mite, fire blight, peach leaf curl, coryneum blight, degree days, spray timing, spray materials
May 6
Thrips, Rosy Apple & Green Peach Aphid, Fire Blight
bud stages, codling moth, western flower thirps, rosy apple aphid, fire blight, green peach aphid, campylomma, degree days, spray materials
April 28
Cat-Facing Insects, Fire Blight
bud stages, codling moth, cat-facing insects, fire blight, degree days, spray materials
April 22
Oozing on Stone Fruits, Surround (kaolin clay)
bud stages, powdery mildew, fire blight, oozing on stone fruits, GF-120 for residential growers, surround for organic insect suppression, spray materials
April 15
Using GF-120 for Cherry Fruit Fly
bud stages, codling moth, campylomma bug, using GF-120 for cherry fruit fly (commercial orchardists), spray materials
April 10
Tips on New Tree Plantings, Degree Day Numbers
bud stages, codling moth, San Jose scale, rosy apple aphid, pearleaf and appleleaf blister mites, western flower thrips, pear psylla, woolly apple aphid, tree planting tips, explanation of advisory numbers, spray materials
April 2
Pruning Fruit Trees
dormant sprays, bud stages, coryneum blight, fire blight, peach twig borer, degree days, pruning orchards, spray materials
March 18
Pesticide Updates, Dormant Treatments, Pest Monitoring
pesticide updates, insect and disease control, production information