August 26, 2010
Blossom End Rot, Sap Beetles, Onion Decay, Tomato Fruitworm
blossom end rot, sap beetles in sweet corn, bacterial bulb decay of onion, tomato fruitworm/corn earworm
August 20, 2010
Cucumber Beetles, Stink Bugs, Poor Fruit Set
cucumber beetles, spider mites, stink bugs, beet armyworm, poor fruit set
July 29, 2010
Verticillium, Earworm, Earwig, Caterpillars
potato verticillium wilt, powdery mildew on melons, corn earworm, European earwig, squash bug, Colorado potato beetle, cabbage caterpillars, dusky sap beetle on raspberries, raspberry crown borer
June 25, 2010
Leafhoppers, Thrips
beet leafhopper and curly top virus, potato leafhoppers, thrips, grape leafhopper
June 16, 2010
Phytophthora, Spider Mite, Rose Stem Girdler
phytophthora root rot, bacterial spot on pepper and tomato, two-spotted spider mite, Colorado potato beetles, imported cabbageworm, raspberry horntail, rose stem girdler
May 21, 2010
Grasshopper Outlook
grasshoppers, leaf beetle, leafminer on spinach and beets, plant association for improved yield and pest management