Fruit IPM Advisory 2010- fruit

2010 – Aphids, San Jose Scale, Earwigs

2010 Fruit Advisories

October 21

aphid swarms

September 10

Late Season Pests
codling moth, peach twig borer, coryneum blight, greater peachtree borer, spider mites, late season peach pests

August 11

San Jose Scale, Peach Twig Borer, Phytophthora
San Jose scale, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly, coryneum blight,  phytophthora crown and collar rot

August 4

Codling Moth, Leafminer, Redhumped Caterpillar
codling moth, western tentiform leafminer, redhumped caterillar, pear sawfly, cherry powdery mildew, degree day accumulations and insect development

July 21

Woolly Apple Aphid, Catfacing Injury, Earwigs
woolly apple aphid, catfacing injury, earwigs, degree day accumulations and insect development, spray timing and materials

July 14

Monitoring for Drosophila, Aphid Biology
codling moth, peach twig borer, spotted tussock moth, western cherry fruit fly, cherry powdery mildew, coryneum blight, walnut husk fly, spotted wing drosophila, aphid biology

July 9

Leafhopper, Thrips, Predicting Peach Harvest Date
codling moth, white apple leafhopper, leafrollers, greater peachtree borer, western flower thrips, predicting peach harvest date, degree days, sprays

June 26

San Jose Scale, Earwig
San Jose scale, greater peachtree borer, western cherry fruit fly, european earwig, upcoming fruit field day, Notification of Endosulfan Phase-Out

June 17

Woolly Apple Aphid, White Apple Leafhopper
woolly apple aphid, white apple leafhopper, upcoming monitoring/insect activity, degree day accumulations and insect phenology, spray timing and materials

June 12

Rainfastness of Pesticides
codling moth, powdery mildew, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, western cherry fruit fly, rainfastness of pesticides, upcoming/monitoring insect activiy, degree day accumulations and insect phenology, spray timing, spray materials

June 3

Fire Blight, Powdery Mildew, Borer
fire blight, powdery mildew, pacific flatheaded borer, upcoming monitoring/insect activity, degree day accumulations and pest phenology, spray timing, spray materials

May 27

Fire Blight, Green Peach Aphid
codling moth, fire blight, lygus bug, green peach aphid, degree days and insect development, spray timing, spray materials

May 20

Fruit Thinning
codling moth, white apple leafhopper, fire blight, fruit thinning, degree day accumulations, spray timing, spray materials

May 5

Fire Blight, Codling Moth Control
fire blight, green peach aphid, rosy apple aphid, materials for codling moth control, spray timing, degree day accumulation, bud stages, spray materials.

April 22

Fruitworm and Cankerworms, Fire Blight
codling moth, speckled green fruitworm and cankerworms, fire blight, thrips on nectarines, degree day accumulations and insect development, bud phenological stages, spray materials

April 14

Horticultural Oil/Dormant Oil Demystfied
codling moth, rosy apple aphid, campylomma, lygus bug, predatory spider mites, horticultural oil, bud stages, spray materials

April 7

Bud Stages, Delayed Dormant Treatments
bud stages, delayed dormant treatments