2012 Fruit Advisories
September 27
Fall Chores
spotted wing drosophila update, codling moth, blister mites, pear psylla, coryneum blight, cherry powdery mildew, foliar nitrogen applications, fall irrigation, peach split pit, apple maladies
August 27
Peach Problems at Harvest
surround for home use, codling moth, white apple leafhopper, appleleaf and pearleaf blister mites and rust mites, pear psylla, peach twig borer, boxelder bug, spider mites, greater peachtree borer, pictures of peach maladies at harvest
August 3
Bitter Pit, Late Season Peach Pests, Phytophthora Crown and Collar Rot
codling moth, bitter pit, peach twig borer, boxelder bugs, earwigs, European paper wasp, peachtree borer, phytophthora crown and collar rot, walnut husk fly
July 20
San Jose Scale, Pear Psylla, Cat-facing Injury
codling moth, San Jose scale, white apple leafhopper, pear psylla, peach twig borer, spider mites, earwigs, spotted wing drosophila update, cat-facing bugs, iron deficiency
June 29
Walnut Husk Fly, Irrigation, TRAPs Website
walnut husk fly, grower meeting, irrigation, TRAPs website
June 22
Spider Mites, Peach Twig Borer
codling moth, spider mites, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly, greater peachtree borer, cherry powdery mildew
June 8
San Jose Scale, Peachtree Borer, Leafroller
codling moth, apple aphids, San Jose scale, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly, greater peachtree borer, obliquebanded leafroller, cherry powdery mildew
May 24
Peach Twig Borer, Western Cherry Fruit Fly
woolly apple aphid, fire blight, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly
May 14
Apple Powdery Mildew, Woolly Apple Aphid, Gummosis
codling moth, woolly apple aphid, powdery mildew, fire blight, peach leaf curl, small fruit update
May 4
Codling Moth Products, Apple Scab, Brown Mites
codling moth, fire blight, apple scab, coryneum blight, brown mites
May 4
Codling Moth Products, Apple Scab, Brown Mites
codling moth, fire blight, apple scab, coryneum blight
April 26
Codling Moth, Fire Blight
codling moth, fire blight, green peach aphids, coryeum blight
April 13
Fire Blight, Apple Powdery Mildew
fire blight, apple powdery mildew, codling moth, rosy apple aphid, green peach aphid, coryneum blight
March 23
Delayed Dormant Sprays
dormant sprays, tree fruit production guide