2013 Landscape Advisories
July 25
Prevent Phytotoxicity, Chinese Longhorned Beetle, Bacterial Leaf Scorch
prevent phytotoxicity, Chinese longhorned beetle, cooley spruce gall adelgid, phytophthora, locust borer, honeylocust spider mite, oystershell scale, bronze birch borer, ash flower gall, iron deficiency, bacterial leaf scorch
July 5
Bee Kill and Pesticide Ban, Black Pineleaf Scale, Western Poplar Clearwing
Dinotefuran Pesticide Ban in Oregon, black pineleaf scale, European pine shoot moth, verticillium wilt, root weevils, leafcutter bee, western poplar clearwing, European elm and lecanium scale, spider mites
May 17
Ash Leafcurl Aphid, Borers
pine needle scale, winter injury of conifers, ash leafcurl aphid, fire blight, powdery mildew, bronze birch borer, lilac-ash borer, flatheaded appletree borer