Fruit IPM Advisory 2014- fruit

2014 – Codling Moth, Apple Problems at Harvest

2014 Fruit Advisories

October 14

Fall Chores
codling moth, blister mites, coryneum blight, bacterial canker, other fall chores

September 12

Apple Maladies at Harvest, New Disease of Sweet Cherry
codling moth, brown rot, boxelder bugs, spider mites, apple maladies at harvest, new disease of sweet cherry, Orchard Bee Association meeting announcement

August 19

Brown Rot, Effects of High Crop Load
bitter pit, preventing post-harvest infection of brown rot, pests of ripening peaches, earwigs, boxelder bugs, wasps, effect of heavy crop load on fruit trees

August 1

Apple Maggot and Spotted Wing Drosophila Update, Crown Gall
pear psylla, white apple leafhopper, greater peachtree borer, peach silver mite, apple maggot, update, crown gall, phytophthora crown rot, spotted wing drosophila update, cat-facing insects, earwigs, iron deficiency

July 18

Fire Blight Rootstock, San Jose Scale, Woolly Apple Aphid
codling moth, fire blight rootstock, infection, San Jose scale, woolly apple aphid, peach twig borer, root weevil, western cherry fruit fly, coryneum blight, nectarine thrips

July 3

Codling Moth, Peach Twig Borer
codling moth, greater peachtree borer, peach twig borer, spider mites

June 20

Greater Peachtree Borer, Walnut Husk Fly
codling moth, greater peachtree borer, peach twig borer, walnut husk fly, spider mites

June 11

San Jose Scale, Apple Aphids, Greater Peachtree Borer, Small Fruits
San Jose scale, apple aphids, white apple leafhopper, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, obliquebanded leafroller, raspberry horntail, rose stem girdler

May 27

Woolly Apple Aphid, Fruit Thinning
codling moth, fire blight, woolly apple aphid, green peach aphid, coryneum blight, western cherry fruit fly, fruit thinning

May 11

Diseases in Cool, Wet Weather
apple scab, peach leaf curl, coryneum blight, bacterial canker, green peach aphid, updated codling moth table

April 26

Codling Moth, Gummosis, Borers
codling moth, campylomma bug, fire blight, green peach aphid, lygus bug, peach powdery mildew, coryneum blight, peach leaf curl, brown rot, causes of gummosis, fruitworm, cankerworm, borers

March 27

Dormant Sprays, Frost Protection
dormant sprays and examples, pear psylla, san jose scale, coryneum blight, “Frost Protection Stragies”

March 3

Dormant Spraying, Pruning Fruit Trees
dormant sprays, pruning fruit trees