2015 Fruit Advisories
October 5
Blister Mites, Aphids, Apple Maladies at Harvest
blister mites, pear psylla, coryneum blight, fire blight, bacterial canker, fall orchard chores, apple maladies found at harvest
August 28
Peach Damage Found at Harvest
image gallery
August 24
Phytophthora, Codling Moth, Sap Beetles
phytophthora crown and collar rot, spider mites, stink bugs, codling moth, white apple leafhopper, peach twig borer, blister mites, sap beetle, comb-clawed beetle, earwigs, brown rot
July 29
Pear Psylla, Bitter Pit, Brown Rot, Invasives Update
pear psylla, bitter pit, peach twig borer, peach silver mite, western cherry fruit fly, earwigs, coryneum blight, brown rot
July 6
Spider Mites, Walnut Husk Fly, EPA Bee Regulation
codling moth, greater peachtree borer, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly, spider mites, walnut husk fly, EPA Proposal for Bee Protection
June 4
Peach Twig Borer, Leafrollers, Peach Leaf Drop
codling moth, San Jose scale, fire blight, coryneum blight, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly, greater peachtree borer, obliquebanded leafroller, Peach Leaf Drop, Iron Chlorosis
May 19
Bacterial Canker, Pesticide Safety
codling moth, fire blight, coryneum blight, cherry powdery mildew, bacterial canker, Applying and Handling Pesticides Safely
May 1
Codling Moth Treatment Scenarios, Peach Twig Borer, Raspberry Horntail
codling moth, Table of Treatment Programs for Codling Moth, fire blight, peach twig borer, raspberry horntail
April 23
Updated Codling Moth Activity
codling moth, apple powdery mildew, Intermountain Tree Fruit Guide
April 17
Codling Moth, Aphids, Intermountain Guide
frost and snow, codling moth, apple aphids, green peach aphid, coryneum blight, peach powdery mildew, greater peachtree borer, Intermountain Tree Fruit Production Guide, codling moth spray dates
April 3
Assessing Frost Injury and Utah TRAPs Apps
aphids, codling moth, western flower thrips, peach twig borer, Assessing Injury to Frost, New Pest Management App
March 13
Dormant Sprays
bud stages, dormant sprays, aphids, San Jose scale, peach twig borer, eriophyid mites, peach leaf curl, coryneum blight, copper option, frost protection