Fruit IPM Advisory 2007- fruit

2007 – Pear Psylla, Codling Moth, Fruit Injury

2007 Fruit Advisories

September 28

White Apple Leafhopper, Coryneum Blight
degree days, white apple leafhopper, pearleaf and apple blister mites, fire blight, coryneum blight

September 7

Apple Fruit Damage
apple fruit damage, codling moth, boxedler bugs, greater peachtree borer, peach twig borer

August 22

Pear Psylla, Phytophthora, Cytospora
codling moth, pear psylla, boxelder bugs, greater peachtree borer, peach twig borer, phytophthora collar rot and crown rot, cytospora canker

August 16

Codling Moth, Box Elder Bugs
codling moth, boxelder bugs, greater peachtree borer, peach twig borer, spider mites

August 8

Codling Moth
peach twig borer, codling moth, greater peachtree borer

August 3

Spray Timings
peach twig borer, codling moth, greater peachtree borer

July 25

Codling Moth, Japanese Beetle
codling moth, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, spider mites, japanese beetle

July 18

Spider Mites
codling moth, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, current spray timings

July 11

Cat-Facing Insects
codling moth, woolly apple aphids, peach twig borer, lygus bugs

July 5

Codling Moth, Peach Twig Borer, Greater Peachtree Borer
codling moth, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer

June 29

Spider Mites, Fire Blight
codling moth, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, western cherry fruit fly, spider mites, fire blight

June 20

Codling Moth, Blister Mites
codling moth, pearleaf and apple blister mites, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, spider mites, cytospora canker

June 13

Greater Peachtree Borer, Fire Blight
codling moth, apple aphids, San Jose scale, white apple leafhopper, peach twig borer, greater peachtree borer, western cherry fruit fly, fire blight, cherry powdery mildew

June 6

Aphids, Leafhopper, Cherry Fruit Fly
codling moth, apple aphids, San Jose scale, white apple leafhopper, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly

May 30

Codling Moth, San Jose Scale, Western Cherry Fruit Fly
codling moth, San Jose scale, peach twig borer, western cherry fruit fly

May 23

Codling Moth, Fire Blight
codling moth, peach twig borer, woolly apple aphid, green peach aphid

May 16

Codling Moth, Peach Twig Borer, Campylomma Bug
codling moth, peach twig borer biofixes, campylomma bug

May 11

Degree Day Update
(degree day update only)

May 2

Bud Phenology, Codling Moth, Coryneum Blight
bud phenology, codling moth biofixes, coryneum blight

April 25

Green Peach Aphid, Fire Blight
bud phenology, codling moth biofixes and biology information, green peach aphid, fire blight

April 18

Frost Damage, Speckled Green Fruitworm
bud phenology, frost damage information, coryneum blight image, woolly apple aphid, speckled green fruitworm image

April 11

Bud Phenology, Codling Moth Images
bud phenology, codling moth image, apple powdery mildew

April 4

IPM and Biofix
bud phenology, codling moth, peach twig borer, fire blight, general information on IPM and Biofix

March 28

Critical Temperatures for Frost Damage
bud phenology, codling moth, coryneum blight, fire blight, table of critical frost temperatures, degree day information

March 21

Bud Phenology, Delayed Dormant Sprays
bud phenology, delayed dormant sprays

March 14

Pesticide Updates, Delayed Dormant Sprays
pesticide updates, delayed dormant sprays