Fruit IPM Advisory Fruit 2016

Commercial: Stink Bugs, Late-Season Coryneum Blight

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Stink Bugs
Hosts: apple, pear, peach, nectarine

A large green stink bug crawling on a branch.
green stink bug

Stink bug activity will escalate through the end of August and into early September: In Utah, we have several species of stink bugs. The invasive brown marmorated stink bug does occur in Utah, but it has not yet been found damaging fruit.

Late season stink bug damage appears as slightly sunken spots on the fruit skin. On apple, the flesh underneath the injury is corky and light colored. ON peach, the lesions are water-soaked. When you slice into the flesh, the damaged area forms a conical shape, with the widest area near the skin. Damage mostly occurs near the top third of the apple, and on fruits near the orchard borders or near natural areas.

Insecticides for late season stink bug management in commercial orchards include Baythroid and Leverage (both 7-day PHI) and Danitol (14-day PHI). Surround (kaolin clay) may provide some repellent activity. Start with treatment of the border rows only, and be mindful of the label’s pre-harvest. Avoid using a pyrethroid if you have spider mites, as this could make the problem worse.


Late-Season Coryneum Blight
Hosts: peach/nectarine

Coryneum infections that happen as fruit is ripening are more severe than early-season infections. Thankfully, the peach-harvest weather has been dry so far. But with every rainfall through peach harvest, the chance of late-season infections increases. A spray is only needed if at least 4 hours of rain occurs.

Brown Rot: Preventing Post-Harvest Decay
Hosts: peach/nectarine, plum

In the last few years, the disease brown rot (caused by the fungus Monilinia) has become more apparent in Utah, primarily in  backyard trees but also in a few commercial orchards. It is one of the most important disease of stone fruit worldwide, but Utah’s dry summers has kept it at bay. In July and early August of 2014, northern Utah had heavy monsoonal rains that helped contribute to spread.

Monilinia thrives in warmer temperatures, but needs frequent rains during the pre-harvest period (when fruit has begun to soften) to cause disease. In some cases, 100% crop loss may occur.

Fruit infections are visible as firm, brown lesions that rapidly spread throughout the fruit causing complete decay in just a few days. Spores produced on these fruit can then disperse and infect additional healthy fruit. Fruit that is picked can appear healthy, only to rot in storage or on store shelves. In parts of the country where brown rot is common, flowers and green fruit can become infected. But in Utah, we have found that the most common infections are occurring on ripe fruit.

Where rains are predicted, fungicide applications can begin 2 to 3 weeks before predicted harvest of each variety. A second application would occur 9 days late, and a final application the day before or between pickings.

Many fungicides have a 0 or 1-day PHI and a re-entry interval of 12-24 hours, making thins timing possible. See the table on the next page for a list of options. It is important to rotate between pesticide classes to prevent resistance.

The final pre-harvest spray provides protection during the picking and transport process. It may also be very important for fresh farm market peaches, since these fruit are rarely treated with a post-harvest fungicide. If you have had brown rot identified this year or in the past, it will be important to apply a protectant fungicide to prevent infection, especially if rainfall occurs close to or at harvest.

Brown Rot and Coryneum Blight Fungicide Options

FungicideGroupPHIAlso ControlsEfficacyResistance Risk
Topsin M (thiphanate-methyl)11powdery mildewexcellentHigh
Indar (fenbuconazole)30powdery mildewexcellentHigh
Rally (myclobutanil)30powdery mildewgoodHigh
Spectracide Immunox (myclobutanil) (Home use)30powdery mildewgoodHigh
Fontelis (penthiopyrad)70powdery mildewgoodHigh
Vangard (cyprodinil)92goodHigh
Gem (trifloxystrobin)111powdery mildewgoodHigh
Quilt Xcel (propiconazole + azoxystrobin)3/110powdery mildewexcellentMedium
Pristine (boscalid + pyraclostrobin)7/110powdery mildewexcellentMedium
Captan (captan) (Home use)M40fairLow
Precautionary Statement: Utah State University Extension and its employees are not responsible for the use, misuse, or damage caused by application or misapplication of products or information mentioned in this document. All pesticides are labeled with ingredients, instructions, and risks. The pesticide applicator is legally responsible for proper use. USU makes no endorsement of the products listed herein.
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