Click Here to view the pdf version JUST THE BASICS: Commercial Commercial Information APPLE/PEAR Pear Psylla Hosts: pear Early fall is a good time to treat for...
Fruit 2016
Click Here to view the pdf version JUST THE BASICS Backyard Information APPLE & PEAR Blister Mites Hosts: apple, pear Blister mites and other eriophyid...
Click Here to view the pdf version. ALL FRUIT TREES Stink Bugs Hosts: apple, pear, peach, nectarine Stink bug activity will escalate through the end of August...
Click Here to view the pdf version. News/ What to Watch For: JUST THE BASICS APPLE AND PEAR Continue protecting fruit from codling moth through Sept. 15...
Spider Mites, Phytophthora Collar Rot
codling moth, spider mites, walnut husk fly, peach twig borer, post-harvest treatments for tart cherry, bitter pit
Below is the link for the Tree Fruit IPM Advisory from July 2, 2016 Greater Peachtree Borer, Walnut Husk Fly, Spider Mites codling moth, white apple...
Obliquebanded Leafroller, Raspberry Horntail, Rose Stem Girdler codling moth, San Jose scale, peach twig borer, white apple leafhopper, western cherry fruit...
Below is the link for the Tree Fruit IPM Advisory from May 28, 2016 Peach Twig Borer, San Jose Scale codling moth, fire blight, San Jose scale, peach twig...
Apple Scab, Bacterial Canker
codling moth, fire blight, apple scab, cherry powdery mildew, coryneum blight, peach twig borer
Codling Moth Dates, Coryneum Blight
aphids, codling moth, apple powdery mildew, peach twig borer
Aphids, Pest Management Resources aphids, codling moth, peach twig borer, fire blight, thrips, coryneum blight, Fruit PestFinder App, Utah TRAPs App, Utah...
Dormant Sprays, Apps
dormant spray basics, mobile app, intermountain fruit