Protect Trees from Sunscald Have you planted any new trees in the past 2 years? If yes, the trunk can be damaged in late winter when the bark gets warmed by...
Fruit 2023
In this Issue Apple, Pear: codling moth updated dates, San Jose scale dates, woolly apple aphid update Peach, Apricot, Plum, Walnut: peach twig borer updated...
In this Issue Codling moth and Peach twig borer: Updated dates for start of second generation egg hatch Apple: White apple leafhopper adults are active...
In this Issue Apple, Pear: codling moth updated dates Peach, Nectarine, Apricot: peach twig borer spray dates for some Utah locations Cherry: monitor...
In this Issue Codling moth: updated spray dates table Woolly apple aphid: monitor trees for new cottony colonies and treat if found Blister mites on apple...
In this Issue: Apple, Pear: codling moth dates available; fire blight warnings Peach/Nectarine, Apricot, Plum: peach powdery mildew and coryneum blight...
In this Issue: Apple, Pear: fire blight, codling moth for southern Utah ONLY (dates for northern Utah coming later) Apricot, Peach/Nectarine: coryneum blight...
In this Issue Dormant Oil Sprays – with images of targeted insects and diseases Pear Fruit Sawfly – controlled with insecticide before bloom...