In this Issue Codling moth: updated spray dates table for apple and pear Woolly apple aphid: treat before colonies get too out of hand Peach twig borer: ...
Fruit 2024
In this Issue Codling moth: updated spray dates table for apple and pear San Jose scale: treat now (if present last year) for apple and pear Peach twig...
In this Issue Codling moth: first generation spray dates provided for all but colder locations Peach powdery mildew and Coryneum blight: if a problem in the...
In this Issue: Apple, Pear: fire blight, codling moth for SOME Utah locations, powdery mildew Apricot, Peach/Nectarine: fruit scaring caused by western flower...
Gumming on stone fruits (apricot, sweet cherry, peach/nectarine, and plum) is very common, and most evident at this time of year as the sap starts to flow. The...
In this Issue What Insects and Diseases are Affected by Oil or Copper Spray? Dormant Oil Spray – apply before bloom Copper Spray Options – for fire...