Below is the link for the Small Fruit and Vegetable IPM Advisory from September 29, 2016 Planting Garlic, Harvest and Storage of Winter Squash and Pumpkins...
Veg 2016
Sunscald, Iris Yellow Spot Virus, Blossom End Rot, Corn Earworm Sunscald, Iris Yellow Spot Virus, Late Blight of Potato, Blossom End Rot, Corn Earworm, Tomato...
SARE Cover Crop Survey, Curly Top Virus Update, Potyvirus, Imported Cabbageworm, Beneficial Insects “Fervor for Cover Crops”, “Curly Top...
Below is the link for the Vegetable IPM Advisory from July 12, 2016 Zebra Chip Disease, Earwigs, Tomato Hornworm, Diamondback Moth, Beneficials, Sowing...
Below is the link for the Vegetable IPM Advisory from June 19, 2016 Powdery Mildew, Grasshopper Baits, Colorado Potato Beetle, Spider Mites “Watch for...
Below is the link for the Vegetable IPM Advisory from May 31, 2016 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), Root and Seed Maggots, Flea Beetles 2016 Utah Vegetable...
Below is the link for the Vegetable IPM Advisory from April 22, 2016 Cover Crops, Damping-off, Squash Bug Control with Trap Crops “Too busy to plant your...