Cytospora canker needs a wound to cause infection, often entering at pruning stubs.
Cytospora canker infections are often seen in branch crotches.
Cytospora canker causes the inner tissue to be a solid brown (necrotic).
Gumming from borers will exude in tendrils.
Gumming from borers will exude in tendrils.
Gumming from borers will exude in tendrils.
Gumming from borers will exude in tendrils.
Oval-shaped exit hole from a flatheaded borer.
Exit holes from shothole borer.
Ooze from bacterial canker on sweet cherry.
Bacterial canker causes the tissue under the bark to be streaked brown rather than solid brown (dead).
Gumming from bacterial canker will sometimes be milky in appearance.
Bacterial canker forms at tree wounds, such as branch crotches. Note old (dark) and newer gumming.
Pear fruit sawfly is a newly introduced pest. Adults lay eggs in flowers.
Risk map of grasshopper densities for the western U.S.