It is difficult to prune out all fire blight damage. Where it still exists, copper spray in spring will prevent bacteria from multiplying.
Peach twig borer overwinters in the tree, making it susceptible to dormant oil application.
Aphids on apricot are the first to hatch from eggs in spring. As buds swell, they can easily be killed with the dormant oil application.
Woolly apple aphid colonies increase in size over the summer.
Green stink bug on raspberry that can leave shriveled druplets.
Damage to apple fruit caused by second generation San Jose scale crawlers.
Feeding damage from peach twig borer.
Keeping the area around the base of fruit trees can help prevent borers like greater peachtree borer.
Earwigs hiding at peach stem. Note feeding damage on foliage to the left of the earwig.
Codling moth feeding damage, showing frass (excrement) on outside of fruit.
Later-season feeding damage by stink bugs on peach.
The left image is early feeding damage caused by lygus bugs or stink bugs. As the fruit grows, it will look like the one on the right.