One way to determine crown rot is to scrape the bark and look for cinnamon-colored (dead) cambium at the crown.
A cherry tree that died suddenly may have been killed by crown rot.
Coryneum blight infections that became worse after harvest.
Clean up unharvested fruit to prevent a buildup of cherry fruit fly. (Image by Macahl Evans)
Summer pruning of peach tree before (left) and after (right) to remove vigorous growth.
Stink bugs suck juices out of druplets.
Spider mite damage to raspberry starts from the lower leaves and goes up.
Spider mite damage to cherry as a result of road dust.
Stippling damage on apple from spider mites.
San Jose scale on apple.
Rose stem girdler larva inside a cane (left) and cane damage (right).
Tree girdled by fire blight bacteria from rootstock infection.
Examples of peach twig borer shoot strikes.
Fruiting bodies of powdery mildew for overwintering survival.