Sycamore plant bug damage to foliage.
Honeylocust plant bug nymph.
Root weevil adults feed on the edges of foliage, removing circular notches.
Lecanium scales of varying ages.
Euonymus scale, courtesy Lorraine Graney, Bartlett Tree Experts,
Damage from white pine weevil. The larvae feed under the bark of the terminal shoots, causing wilting. Image credit: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State...
Infection from sycamore anthracnose.
Initial symptoms caused by sycamore scale feeding appear as small chlorotic leaf spots.
Sycamore scale overwinters as eggs on bark. They hatch as the buds swell in spring.
Sycamore anthracnose causes small cankers, from which spores emerge to infect spring foliage.
Dormant oil helps to treat some overwintering or newly-hatched insects, such as aphids.
Damage caused by honeylocust pod gall midge. The larvae feed inside leaf galls.
Adults of the honeylocust pod gall midge are flies. They emerge from the soil in early spring, and then lay eggs on buds or new leaves.