Flea beetle feeding damage on a young chard plant
Adult flea beetle next to feeding damage
Zebra chip symptoms on potato tubers - USDA
Zebra chip symptoms on not fried (left) and fried (right) potato chips - USDA
Purple-red color of progressed psyllid yellows
Symptoms of psyllid yellows first show up as slight yellowing or purpling
As the condition progresses the entire plant top changes to a yellowish-green or purple-red color
Close up of a psyllid nymph on a tomato leaf
A psyllid nymph found on the underside of a tomato leaf about two weeks ago in Kaysville, Utah
Thrips frass occurs as dark tarspots which can contaminate fruit
Larvae are wingless with tapered bodies
"Rasping" and stippling are typical symptoms of thrips feeding